Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/105

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Nouember. 45 Che gaudp girlondsdeck her graur, © Lhe faded flotuzes Her Cole embyaue, ® beaute berie, 0 Spoane note mp mnte,rrolv moze Lvtth teates bofpoint. ® carefull berfe. |

@ thou great (hepbeard Lobbin,botw great is thy gricfe, Ua bere bene the nofegapes that’ Hee digut fo. the : ‘Che coloured chaplets wrought with achtefe, She knotted rufhztnges,and gilte Kolemarwe *— Fo3 (hee deemed nothing too decre ns the. _Ab,they bene alt pelapin clay, 6 Gp Dne bilter blak bletve ail atvay. D heaute berle,- « . hereof nought remayues but the nicmozee, ®D carefull verfe.: 2. me

Aye mee that d2eerie death (ould Lrike fo mozfall ftroke, - Zhat can Sndoc Dame natureskindely courfe: . * Ihe faded lockes fall frome the loftie Dke, She flonds doe gafye,fo2 d2 ped ts theyp2 fourfe, Anpflonds of teares Howe itt they? Eeede perfozce. Lhe mantled mebdolves mourne, bep2 fundate. colours fourne. D beaute berfe, SC be beauens doe mel tt teares without remople, > cavefull bere, ~

The feeble flocks in field refule their former foode, ( And hang thetr heades,as they Wwould learne te tocepes' She beaftes in fozrelk toayle as they were toogde, Creept the WHolues,that chalethe wandsing Meepe: 3 Spo Hee ts gan Chat fafelp did bem keepe,

SLhe Lurtle on the bared beauneh, ZLainents the wourde, that death did launch, @ beanie berfe, nd Philomele ber fong with Pie both ede D carefull berfe, : 99 2, abe