Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/114

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And rotted, ere they were patfe melloty ripes if) of? or rae | IP y baruell Inall mrp hope away DID WIP, os oor Bars.

Ahefragrant flolwzes,that inmygarnetigreiue” Wene twithered,as they. hadbenegatheredlongs. jo yc Whey rootes bend dp ped Hp fop lack ofvetwe, Pet vetvcd With tearrs Chey han be ener amonge ~~ "Bb tho bas tzougbt my Rofalind this fpighf. 9 aoe 07 Slo Spill the flotvzes,that Mould beer girloud aight: rey ook

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