Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/117

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December. 5

And if 1 marked well the flarres renolution. It [hall continue til the worldes diffolution. To teach the ruder fhepheard how to feede his fheepe, And from the falfers fraud his folded flocke to keepe. Goe little Calender ,thou hafte a free paffeporte, Goe but a lowly gate amoncgeft the meaner forte. Dare not to match thy pype with T ytirus his file, . Nor with the Pilgrim that the Ploughman playd a while; But follow them farre off,and their hich fleps adore, The bester pleafe,the worfe defpife,1 aske no more.

_ Merce non mercede..

@ Imprinted at London by Thomas Eatt for Iobn Harrifon the younger, dwellingin Paz

cer nofter Roe. at the figne of the Anker, andare there to be fold. .

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