Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/29

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to conſtrue it in his Adages for his owne behoofe. Thatby the prouerbe, Nemo Senex metusit Iouem, is not meant, that olde men haue no feare of God at all, but that they bee farre from ſuperſtition and Idolatrous regarde of falſe Gods as is Iupiter. By this great learning notwithſtanding, it is too plaine to be gaineſaide, that oldemen are much more enclined to ſuch fond fooleries, then younger heades.


Ægloga Tertia.


IN this Aeglogue two ſhepheards boyes taking occaſſion of the ſeaſon, beginne to make purpoſe of loue and other pleaſaunce, which to ſpring-time, is moſt agreeable. The ſpeciall meaning hereof is to giue certaine markes and tokens, to knowe Cupid the Poets God of lone, But more particularly I thinke, in the perſon of Thomalin is meant ſome ſecrect friend, who ſcorned loue and his knightes ſo long, tillat length