Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/31

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D> batt thy felfe bis Momber beoke? ...,, D2 made priate Co the Came?


Ho,but happily Abimlpive, GUbere ina buh he vio him Hide,“ - GUith uinges of purple andblefve, + *' And twere not that mp hecpe twould ftrap SChe priuie markes ¥ iwoulde betwzay, CUlbereby by chaunce 4 Hint kneww. © Willye. Lhomalt.hane no care fo2 thy, Py lelfe twill haue a double eve, Pltke to my flocke and thine:.. F02 alas at heme J baue a lye, A fepdame cke as bote as fye, aLbat octuly adayes counts mine.

T homalin, Shay, but thy (eeing to tl not ferne, Dy Mheepe fo2 that may chaunce fo (werne - nod fall into fome mifchiefe, bei F 02 Kithens ts but the third mozotwe, Zhat 4 chaunt to fall a feepe with forrew, And waked againe with qriefe: |. he while thilke fame bnbappte Cte, CAbofe clouted legge her hurt voth Helwe, Fell headlong into a dell. And there ontopnted both ber bones: ought ber neck bene iopnted attines, be Houloe hauc neede no moe Cpell. Sbelfe was fo wanton and fo tooo, (But notw F frotve can beter good) She maught ne gang on the greene. Willye, ALef be,as may be, that is palt: EUbat is to come,let be forecatk. S20 fell bs, what thou bal (eee,
