Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/41

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Apuill. 14 spot rypfe bp Elifa, decked as thou art, - — ’ inropallarap : And noi pee datntte Dammfellsmay oepare -ecbe cne ber ivap, 3 - 4 feare, J bauc troubled pour troupes too long:

  1. ef dame Elifa thanke you fo2 er (ong...

+ Andif pou come heather, Gulben Danifines J aetber, % willpart themall among.

r,@ Celidtén &

_ Thenot. a ind toas thilks fame feng of Colins otone making ¢ Ab foolilh boy, that is toith lowe phlent : reat pittic is,bee bee in (uch taking,» ~~ Foz naughl caren,that bere fo tetwolp bent. | Hobbinoll. Hicker J holvchint,foragreaterfon, GZ bat loues the thing, bee cannot purchale, Sut let vs homeward for night datweth on, Aua twinckling Karres the daplight bence chafe.

‘Thenots-Embleme, O quam te memorem virgo ?