Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/47

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Maye. . Mflouely Mympbes. (D that FJ twere there, Zo belpen the Ladies their Wapbulh beare) Gb Piers bene not thy teeth oncdge,te thinke, Poin great {port they gaynen wrth little (toinck.

Piers. -

Werbdie fo farre am 3 from enute,

What their fononelle inlp ¥ pitte,

hole faptours little regarden they charge,

GWAibile they letting Chetr Meepe ranne af large,

Palen thetr time.that Choulo be fparely fpent,

ZAnlulibedeand tvanfon meryment,

EL bilke fame bene fy epheardes fo2 the deuills fende,

hat playen, tubile their lockes be bnfedde.

Celell tf is (cerie,their hecpe be not their otone,

SC bat lettert them ranne at randon alone.

Wut they bene by2ed fo2 little pay

Pf ofber, that caren as little as they,

WU hat fallen the ficcke,fo thep han they fleece,

Aud get all the gaine,paytig bufapecce, -

3 mule, twobat accompt both thele twill make,

EZbe one fo? the bire, which he doth take, 4.

And thother fo2 leautna his Lozdesfafke,

EClbert gread Pan account of (hepheardes (ould atke. Palinode.

Sicker nolw Z fee theu fpeakelk of {piaht,

AU fo2 thou lackeff tombdele thew belight,

%(as J am)bad rather be ennied,

2i Ul Were if of my foc,then fonly pitied:

And pet tf nceve were.pitied would be,

Rather than other Hculd feozne at mes

F 02 pifticd is mtihap,that nas remedie,

+3ut (conned bene vecdes of fond foleric,

Talhat Hhoulden thepheardes other thinges tend,

Shen fith thetr Oot his good.soes them fend,

NU capen the fruite thereof, that is pleafere,

EChe wile they bere liuen,at eale and leafurez

Fo02 tohen thep bene big a good is pgor,