Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/49

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Maye. 18

(fo: onght may happen... that hath bens befozne)

Capen Hepheardes had none, tnherifaanic,

Ae of land, nop fee tir Cufferaunce; |

Wut what might arife of the bare Hheepe,.

(Were it moze 02 tele) which Hep dtd kecpe.

THell pluis twas tt with (hephearbes thoe:. ,..,

Loughe hauing, nought fearcd they fo forgoe,

3fo2 Pan bimfelfe was their tnbertéaunce,.:,.,

| And little them ferucd foz thepz mayntenaunce. Whe Mhepbearaes Gad lo tvell Chem guided, Eyat of nought they were wxprouided,

- Wutter enough, bonny, milke, and tohay, Gnd thep2 fockes Aeeces them, fo arape, Mut tract of fime,and long pzolperifie;. . shat nource of vice,this of infolencie, . <, Lulled the thephcardes tn (uch fecuritte, |

  • bat not content with lopall obepiaunce,

Some gan fo gape fo2 greedie qouernaunce, - And match (hemfelfe tuifh mighfie potentates, ZLouers of Lozn{hip and troublers. of Kates; Sho gan (yepheardes (waines fo looke aloft, .

And leaue to liue hard, znd learne foligge foft:

Sho bnver colour of Shevbeardes, fomeiwhite Shere crept in Gdlolues, full of fraud and guile , - What often denourcdthetr olwnetheepe, And often the hepheardes, that ord bim keepe. SUbis twas the firfk Courle of Shepheardes forotv, hat now nill be quitt with batle,no2 boot,

. Palinode, |.

EDbh2ee thinges to beare, bene very burdenows,

Wut the fourth to fozbeare,is outragtons, secur that of oues longing once luk,

Pardly forbcarcn, but hau tt they mul:

0 toban choler ts inflamed with rage, eaanting reuetige.ts bard to aflivage: sane iwho can countell a thiritie foule,

WUith patterice fo forbeare fhe offren botwlez

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