Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/55

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May.. 21

Palinodes Embleme, ~ Pas men apiftos apiftes, Piers his Embleme, Tis a ara piftss api{to i ~GLOSSE.

-Thilke, thisfamemoneth. Iisa plied to che feafon of the moneth » whenall men de? ‘light themfelues with pleafannce o fieldes,and gardens,and garments.

_ ~Bloncket Lueries, gray coatess Yclad, arrayed, Y tedoundeth,as before. In euerpwhere, A Patent proper kinde of f{peaking. Baskits, a Diminutiue, f. lictle bufhes of hauthornes Keke, Church,

Queme, pleafe. , A fhok, amulticude, taken of filhe, whercof fome going in great compani s,are fayde to {nimme in afhole. : Tode, went. Touyffarnce, toye, Swincke, labour. Inly, entirely. Fiytours, vagabonds. =

  • “Great Pan, is Chrift, che ‘very God of allfhepheardes, which calleth himfelfe che preat

-and good fhepheard. The nameis moft rightly (me thinkes) applyed to him, for Pax fignt- fieth all, or omnipetent,which is onely the Lord [efus. And bythac name (as Iremember) heis called of: Eufebizs in his fifth booke De Preparat, Enazze. who thereof telleth a pro- per ftorie to that purpofe. Which ftory is Srft recorded of ‘Phtarche, inhis booke of the . -ceafing cf Oracles,and of Lauatere tranflated, in his booke of walkiag fprights. Who “Yayth, thae about the fame time, tharour Lorde faffered his moft bitter pafsion,for the re- demption of man, certaine paffengers fayling from Icaly to (ypres, and pafling byeertaine ~ ‘Mescalled P2xz heard a voyce cailing a’ owde rhanusyrhamu, (now Thamus was the name -of an Aegyptian, which was Pylote of the fhip,) who geuing eare to the ctie, was bidden, when hee came to Palodes,co tell thar the great Pas was dead: which hee doubring to doc,yer for that when hee came to Palodes, there fodainely was fucha calme of winde,that the fhip ftoode Ryllin the fea vnmooned, he was forced to criealowde, thar Pax was déad: wherewithall there was heard {uch pitcous outeryes ‘and dreadfull fhiiking, as haub not ‘benethelike, By which Pay,:hough of fome bee vnderftoode the great Satinas, whofe - “Kingdomeat that time was by Chrift conquered,the gates of hell broken vp, and death by death delineredto eternall death, (forat that time, as hee fayth, all Oracles furceafed, and ‘enchaunted (pirites,that were want to delude the people, thenceforth held thzirpeace)and alfp at the demaund of the Emy erour riberizs,who that Pen fhould bee,anfwere was made him by the wifeftand beftlearned,that it was th: fonne of Mercurze and Penope,yerI thinke 7 t xn properlyment of the death of Chrift,the onely and very Paz, then fuffering for his ocKe, onal a j as I am, feemeth. to imitate the common prouerb. Malin Intidere mibi ontmes quan mife- vefCere, : Nas, isafyncope,forne has,orhasnoe 2 AMhonld, for would not. — Thowith them, doth imitare the Bpitaphe of the ryocous king Sardanapalus; which hee ‘caufed to be wiitten onhistombein Greeke : which verfes be chustranflated by rds. sy» Hachalw qua edi,quaque exaturtta libido so Haufit, at dlls manent multa ac praclararehday ‘ ‘ which Bey thus bee turned into Englifh. ao oy Al that Teate did I ioy,artd all that { greedily gorged ¢ » As for tho!emany goodly matters lef I for others. . Much like the Bpitaph of a good olde Earle of Devonthire, whickthough much mere

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