Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/57

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- May. 22

For fch, the Gotes ftomblinais here noted as an euill figne. The Ike to bee marked ia _all hiftories : and that not the leaft of the Lorde Haftingesin king Richarde the thirde his _dayes. For befide his daungerous dreame (whioh was a fh:ewd prophefic of his mifhap, _that followed) it isfayd that inthemorning riding toward the towre ef London, there te

ficv pon matters of cquntell, his horie ftombled ewife orchiife by the way : which of fome, that riding wich him in his company, were priuie to his neere defteny, was fecretly marked, and afterward noted for memorie of kis greatmithap, chat enfewed, For being then as me- -Fie,as man might bee,and leaft doubting forge daungershee was wichintwo howres after, of the tyraunt put to alhamefull death. ce . As belles, by fuch trifigs are noted, the reliques: and ragges of popith fuperitition, which - put ao (mall religion in Belles,and Babies. f1doles,and 9’ afles.f.Paxes,and {uch like truing cries. 3 : r Great colde, far they boaft much of their ourwarde paticnce, and voluncarie fafferaunce asa worke of merite and holy humbienefie, Streete S.(haritie, the Catholiques common othe, and ogely{peache,to haue charity al- “ie in theirmouth,and femetime in their outward AGions, but neuer iawardlyin faye & zeale. : . (lack, akey hole. Whofe diminutiue is clicker, vfed of Chaucer for a key,

Stoundes, fives:aforefaide, Hw lre, hisleffon, Medled, mingled,

Beafilshead, agrecting to the perfon of abeat. Sibbe,of kynne, Newell,anew thing. _—_roforeftall,co preuent.. Glee, cheare: aforefayd.

Deare aprice, his lyfe, which hee loftfor chofe toyes.

Such ende, isan Epiphonema, or rather the morall of thewholetale,whofe purpofe is te warne the preteftant beware, how hee geueth credite tothe vnfaithfull Cacholiqueathcte of wee haue dayly proofes futtici:ac, but onemoft famous of all, pradtifedoft late yceresby Chasles the nynth.

Fayne, pladde or defirous, :

Our firlobn, aPopith prieft, Afaying Gcfor the grofeneile of afhepheard, but fpoken te _faynte vnlearned Pricftes. , ;

Difmowst, defcend or fer. Ay’y draweth necre.

- Emblem@ na

Both thefe Emblemes make onewhole Hexametre. The fit fpeken of Palinodie, asim -reproche of them, that bee diftruftfull, is apeece of Theognisverfe, intending, that whe doth mott miltruft is moft falfe. Forfuch experience in falichood Sreedeth miftruft in. the minde,thinking no leffe guile to lurke in others,then in himfelfc. But Piers cherero flrong:

ere with an other peece of the fame verfe, faying asinhis fermerfable, what fa

en isthere in the faythleffe. Ferif faychbe the prounde of rcligiom, which faith they day-

ly falle,wbatbold thenis thereof their religion’ And this is ali that they fay.

F2 Tune,