Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/59

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June. | 23

. Hobbinoll,- Colin Clout. ~~ “a

L2® Colin, bere the place, tobofe plefarnt Gabe.”

~ Fr'd other (hades bath weand ny wandsngaminde, ~ Leil mee, what wants mee bere,to woske delight? - . he fimple ap2e,the acnfletoarbling wine, jae So calme,fo coole,as no where clfe Z finde : #3 2) Whe araflie qrounde with daintie Dayplies taht, ~' he Bamble buy, where yprdes of eucry kinde®: Zo the waters fall their tunes attemper right,

®D bappie Hobbinoll, ¥ bike thy fafe, = -

. hat Waradile bak faunde, which Adam lof, Pere toander may thp Hecke carlyoz late, ~ - Uclithoutes dread ef Utelues fo bene ptok :

by lonely layes bere maté thew freely botte, Wut % onbappie man, tobom crnell fate,

Mnd angric Gods purfuefrom cole tocoffe,

Can no where finde, fo Houder my luckiefle pate.

HOBBINOLE, schen if by mee thou lit aduifed bee, Forfake the fople, that fo doth thee betwitch : eane mee thofe billes, where harbzough nis to fee, - $202 boly-bulh, nog brere,no2 winding witch. And to the dales reforty where Hhepheards ritch; Anod frutifull flocks bene cueryiwberefolce, — - Were no night Wauenlopge moze black then pitch, $202 eluth ahelts,no2 gaftlp Dwoles vor fice.

MButfriendly Faeries, neet with many Oraces, Gndlightfcote Pypmphescanebale thelingrtng uight, | Geib Wepdcquypes, and trimlp rodden traces, CU bua Hers nyne, nbich dwell on Pernafle hight, Doe make them mufick, fo2 their moze belight : And Pan bimlelfeto kifle thetr chzifkall faces. Cetill pype anb Daunce, when Phebe Hhineth bight : Sach pierlelte piealureshaue twee ta thele places.

. ed COL- -