Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/74

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he had preaued, for being both himfelfe fequefired from alll ambition, and.alfo abhsring it ‘in others of hiscote,he taketh occafion to, praife dhe meane aad dowly state, as, chaasuber- in is {afety witheut feere,and quiet withowt daunger, according to the faying:of olde Philo- fophers, thatverrue dwellethin the middeft,,. being enuiganed with two contearievices t

hereto Mortell seplycth with continuarce of thefame Philofophers. opinion, thatalbeie all bouncy dwellethinmediociity , yer perfea felicixy dweilechin {upremacie.., For they ©

fay,and mof tue itis,that happineffe i$ placed in the higbeft degree, fo as ifany thingebee higher or berter,then thar ftreight way ceafeth tobe perfcdt happimeffe, Mach that

which once I heard alleagedin defence ot humility. ontiof a greaedoQor,, Suerten: Christus bumilimu which faying agente shaninthe company,taking az.the rebound, beate backe. + againg witha like faying o: ‘anothet DoGtoryas he fay4, unis dsnealtssfinmsy wih


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