Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/76

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-3¢ Auguft. ~ Périgot? ETP ENT IT

Ib Willyen notn a baue learn a nets bauntee: i My olde mufick nsard by anety were: . i.

ye. | CPilchiefe mouqht to that mifcHannce befall, i | What fo bath rate bsof our nicriment. it eet wut reedeme,twbat pane doth thee fo apall? ee D> lonelt thou,o2 bene thy poungiinges nifivenf? « <

| ‘erigot, Mish i - ZLoue bath miflen both mp pountgliiges.anb ite: a \ f Zz pins fo2 papite, and they may patng tole. © =" aes


Will ) alt “ete perdie and ivellatvapesti may thepthine: (<-> i | Peuer knew J louersfheepe in goon plight. << a But anvitinrpnres twitch are Chow oare Crine rv. a ~ Saucy ciliaaaaaths See Sabie. SAREE IDI Y RSS erigot.: t Chat hall J doe, though mochell tuorfe 4 favens , Speuer Gall be fayoe iad eee Was dared. - | ye. § vane she 1d | hen lee Petigot the plenge,twhich ¥ vie ri tnth Jone A inaser poronght of the aple watres:\: sarenlonn deat] WAhereinis enchaled manyatayre Habe. Lodi vad tbrrand Ol eres and Mygers, that maken fiers svat, Doradg eyes And ouer Chent {p2ed a goodly tilde Wine, . Catratlen with a toanton Puie twine. isc de naa 7 4 ti ; ; shereby isaambein Ebe welsoluies iatwiese! iol aca nsiiss wut (ee, hoiufalk rentieth the hephearpfwaine, “Oso Wa lane the trnocent frou ‘the bealkes pawes: 902 2 < Ano bere with bis ae ae bath bins Mayne, « Well mefuch a cup batt thon eur feene?’’ eS Well mought it befeeme any bare Dacene.” pgSOl HH2 Gu Perigot. sill o: Thercto twill ¥ patone porder (potted awiimbe): 3 tO) 903 2 MDallmy Mocke there nis ke another: SF MGQT a For {brought him vp without the Dambe, 9 51 Aut Colia Cloucratte nie ot his brother FN a 194 MILD
