Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/88

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September. 2

ul they bad be better come at ther call;

Fo2 many ban into mifchiclefalk

Gind bene of rauenous Golues pent, .

211 fo2 tyey nould be buromeandbent.: Hobbinoll.y .-. «).

Heuer was Toole feene many noz fome, $202 in all sent, noz in Chziltendome : Wut the fetver Wolues(the {oth to faine,).

Diggon, })) Pes,but they gang tr moze fecret toite, Mud with haps clothing doen bem difguile. Whey walk not widely as they were wont, . - Fo02 feare of raungers, andthe qreat bunt: : Wut prtucly prolling foo.and froe,. Gnaunter they otis belt inly. ete Hobbinoll

22 prine.o2 pert if any bene, . wie ban great ssa wil fearg their Ckitt,.. Diggon.. 9).

Au déede thy ball isa bolo bigge cur, .-: And coula make aiolly holein they fur. . Wut not gad dogges Hem needeth fo hace, ' Wut hedy thepheards to difcerne their face, Fozall their crafe isin thet countenaunce,.. She ben fo craue andfullof maintenance, Wut thall x tell thee tubat my felfe knolve, Chaunced to Reffinnot long ygoe?, —_..

Hobbinoll;, Say it eut Diggon, what euer it bight, Jfo2 not but well moughthun betight.... Be ts fo meeke, wile,and mierciables.- Wnbd twith his twozd his work is conuenable- Colin Clout ¥ kocenc be his (elle pate it