Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/92

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“7 he ‘September. :

- grede,path, -Marriethat,shac is, theit foulesy which bypopithExorcifmes and pra- &tifes they damne tohell, | : «| odah eae Blacke,hell. Gange,goe. Mier,maner. Mirke, obfcure. °‘ Warre,worle. : Crumenall, purle. Brace, compafie. © \Enchefor, occafion, . Onergrast,eucrgrowes with graffe. Galage, thoe. | __ thegroff’, the whole. Buxome and bent, mceKke andobedient. © . - °

,e ei : ae “ a ae

Saxon king; King Edgare,that raigned herein Britaniein the yeare of our Lord. Which - -kin caufed all che Wolues, whereot then was ftere in this couutry, bya proper‘policieto be deftroyed. Soas neuer fince that time; tkere haue bene Welues hefe found, vnleife they were bronghtfrom other country¢s, Arid therefore Hobbinol! rebuketh him of yntruth,for {aying therebe Wolues in England. obec) cabettnt sees i+ ati lee bate Noor i Chriftendome, this faying {eemethto Bee fraunge andynreafonable: but in decde

_it was wont tobee anolde prouerbe and éqmmon phrafe. the originall whereof: was; fo!

that moft parte of England inthe raigne of King-Echelbert was chriftened, Kenconelyex cept,whichremayned long“after in mytbeliefe and vachriftened, So shat Kent was counre.

po parte of Chriftendeme. ; f : B51

reat hunt, Executing of lawes and iuftice.- .. Enaunter, lealt thate,, ‘jou Inly, inwardly: aforefayde. Freely or pert, epeniyfayth Chaucer. se ‘Roffy, the name of afhepheard in Marot his Acglogue of Robinand the king. Whort he here commendcth foupear care and wife gouernaunce of his fockes? Jem). 334) 7? (olin Cloute, Nowe I thinke no man do ubrech bat by Colin is euer ment che Authorsé lfcy

, whofe efpeciall good friend Hobbmoll fayth heeissormore rightly Maifter‘ Gabriel Hate _uey : of whofe {peciall commendation, afwell in Rhetoricke and other choyce learning, wee haue lately had a futhicient eryaflin diueriehisworkes, but {pecially in, his Muf aru Lacryma,and his late Gratulationum Valdinenfiam, which booke int the propreffe at Audley in Effex,hee dedicated in writing to her; Maiefty, afterward prefenting che famein print vpto her xighneffe at the worfhip ull Maifter Capellsin Hertfordfhire, Befide other - his fundry moft rare and very notable writings, partly vnder vnknowne tytles, and parrely wnder councerfayt names,as his ryranndmiaftix,his-Ode Natalitia,his Ramcidos,and efpeci- ally thar parte of Philomufus, his diuine Anticofmo polita, anddiuers other of like im pors - vance. Asalfoby the ramesofotherfhepheards,hee couercth,the perfons of diuers other bis familiar friendes and beft acquaintances : This tale of Roffy feemcthto.colour fome particular AGion of his. But what, I certainly know not. . F Wonned, hauntede Welkin, Ckie:aforefayd. Al Weanell wafte, aweanedyoungiing. Hidder and fhidder, hee and fhee, Male and Female. _ Stexen, noyfe. Belsue, quickly. What ener, Ouids verfe tranflaced Quod caret alterna requie,durabile non eft. ae sed Forchaile, drawe or diftreffe. Verclne, of Beale fkrawe. eo mrnn


Embleme, :

This is the faying of Narciffusin Ouid.. For when the foolith boy by beholding his faces in the brooke; fell in lone with his ewne likeneffe ¢ and not able to contenthimfclfe with much looking thereon, hee cryed out, that plency made him poore,meaning that much ga= zing had bereft him of fence. BurDiggon vieth to ocher purpofe,as who that by tryall of many waies had founde the worft, and through great plenty was fallen inco great peaurye.

this Poefie I knowe,te hauc bene much vfed of the Author, and tofuch like effe&, as firft Naroiflus {pake it. »

bial _ OBtober,

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