Page:Spherical Trigonometry (1914).djvu/41

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(3) Suppose that one of the sides which contain the angle is a quadrant, for example ; on , produced if necessary, take equal to a quadrant and draw . If is a quadrant, is a pole of

(Art. 11); in this case and as well as . Thus the formula to be verified reduces to the identity . If is not a quadrant, the triangle gives

and , , ;

thus ;

and this is what the formula in Art. 42 becomes when .

(4) Suppose that both the sides which contain the angle are quadrants. The formula then becomes ; and this is obviously true, for is now the pole of , and thus .

Thus the formula in Art. 42 is proved to be universally true.

44. The formula in Art. 42 may be applied to express the cosine of any angle of a triangle in terms of sines and cosines of the sides; thus we have the three formulae,