Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/268

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which embraces all the members of the Lord's church. The holy Word contains the never-exhausted store from whence we obtain nourishment for our souls. Therein is to be found the bread of life and the wine of the kingdom. All the requisites necessary for our soul's well-being, both in time and eternity, are obtained from no other source. It is the fountain of all wisdom and knowledge; its stores can never be exhausted, for—unlike the expression of man's wisdom, which may be fathomed and fully comprehended—it contains a fulness and depth which can never be altogether grasped by the highest finite intelligence. Its stores of interior wisdom illustrate and delight the minds of celestial angels, yet it is so expressed, that, according to his state, the sensual man can understand it and be edified by it. It is not merely adapted for one order of minds, it is so written as to be instructive to every state and quality of human nature; and not only on earth but in heaven: for, as the angels increase in wisdom to all eternity, they obtain their intelligence from no other source, and yet they will never be able to exhaust it. All the wisdom and holiness which characterize their nature, is communicated to them through this Divine medium, for it is the only vehicle by which the Almighty can have communion with His creatures. With what reverence and fervour, then, should we approach this Divine volume! Well may we exclaim, "The doctrine of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul!" What an exalted privilege to have this inestimable gift put in our possession!