Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 3.pdf/287

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enjoyed, and to implore Thy gracious aid, that we may be endowed with strength from on high to resist the evil inclinations of our nature. With deep contrition we acknowledge how often we have sinned against Thee, how disobedient we have been to Thy sacred injunctions, how sullen we have been under many of Thy righteous dispensations, how attached to the vanities and follies of this life, and how altogether unworthy we have been of the many blessings we have enjoyed. O Lord, assist us to be more watchful for the future. Assist us to strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to perish; assist us to take greater delight in heavenly things; and, while we live in the world, may we ever keep in remembrance that this is not our rest.

For the promises contained in Thy Word, O Lord, make us grateful. For the health in which we have been sustained, for the food which we receive, for the rest we enjoy. O render us sensible that Thy love alone has supplied us. Into Thy hands, O Lord, we resign our spirits.

Our Father, &c.

Thursdap Morning.

LORD GOD of the spirits of all flesh, whose benignity and love we continue to experience,

help us to approach Thee this morning under a due sense of Thy mercy, and grant that a just idea of Thy providential watchfulness may impress us with the certainty that no state of trial through which we pass is unobserved by Thee. Thou hast sustained us to
