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driven away; evils of the will, and falses of the understanding, will no longer obscure the bright rays of truth. "For it shall come to pass in that day that men will cast their idols of gold, and their idols of silver, which they each made for themselves, to the moles and to the bats:" and when new principles of science, new modes of demonstrating their truth, new views of the Divine Word, and of Him who is its author, take possession of the soul, the New Jerusalem will descend from God out of heaven, and the tabernacle of God will be with men. And in the New Church love will not again decay, truth will not again be perverted; because the Lord Himself will dwell within it as its everlasting light, and the days of its mourning will be ended.

December Fifteenth.


"And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away."Rev. xxi. 1.

PREVIOUS to the establishment of the New Jerusalem in the world, the motives or affections which have swayed the perverted church, and the errors which have clouded and darkened her, are to be shaken and destroyed, and new principles of love, and purer doctrines of faith, are to regulate the souls of men; and then the New and true Church of the Lord will descend to earth, be manifested in an outward form, and appear before the eyes of the world. The New Jerusalem can never descend, can never be manifested outwardly, until the new heaven is formed in