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Yankee Doodle and Miss Columbia

golden sunshine gave everything a luster, Yet behind it all 1 could see the specter of the deadly cold and darkness of the long Arctic night, which follows so quickly this brief period of life and warmth. It was a scene to form one of memory’s vignettes. No wonder it is a favorite haunt for musk-oxen,

At the ice-foot several of the dogs made another rush for the calves, but some were headed off by me, and one was met by a rushing black bull with a head like a piece of iron, which sent him rolling into a crack in the ice, where he lay for some minutes, the breath for the time knocked out of him, and he himself quite dazed by their strange method of attack,

After a short rest at the ice-foot, Ahngmaloktok and I, with the calves, started to cross the ice of the bay to our camp on the opposite side, leaving the Eskimos to follow with the dogs, sledge, and meat. Between the shore and the ice-sheet in the center of the bay was a broad canal of water with cakes of ice floating in it. This was a trying place for the little fellows, but they were very plucky, and nothing could keep them from following that black-furred skin on the back of Ahngmaloktok, who led the way.

When the distance from one cake to another was too great to jump, they plunged into the water without hesitation, though sometimes a reproachful baa-a-a was sent after the unfeeling “mother” ahead, With a little help from me they finally climbed out upon the unbroken ice, and two drenched and forlorn little figures hurried patiently on after Ahngmaloktok.

“the ship was fifty miles away, over mountains and rough ice.”

But their troubles were by no means ended, it was a long four miles across the bay; and there were numerous pools of water, which kept them constantly wet. Fortunately for them, the day was clear and sunny, with no wind, so they were not so cold as they might have been; but when camp was reached they were very, very tired. Ahngmaloktok threw the skin down close beside the tent, and curling themselves up close against it they went at once to sleep, regardless of us and the dogs.

After a good sleep, Ahngmaloktok and Ahn-