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or, The Story of the Magic Cloak.

The cow turned her head to look at the lean woman, and made no objection when she sat down and began milking.

In a moment the king said:

“The cow is yours! Take her and go home!”

Then all the courtiers and people—and even the five high counselors—applauded the king enthusiastically; and the chief counselor lifted up his hands and said:

“Another Solomon has come to rule us!”

And the people applauded again, till Bud looked very proud and quite red in the face with satisfaction.

“Tell me,” he said to the woman, who was about to lead the cow away, “tell me, where did you get such a nice faithful Bossie as that?”

“Must I tell you the truth?” asked the woman.

“Of course,” said Bud.

“Then, your Majesty,” she returned, “I stole her from that fat woman you have locked up in that room. But no one can take the cow from me now, for the king has given her to me.”

“Next came two old women, and between them they led a cow.”

At this a sudden hush fell on the room, and Bud looked redder than ever.

“Then how did it happen that you could milk the cow and she could n’t?” demanded the king, angrily.

“Why, she does n’t understand cows, and I do,” answered the woman. “Good day, your Majesty. Much obliged, I ’m sure!”

And she walked away with the cow, leaving the king and Princess Fluff and all the people much embarrassed.

“Have we any cows in the royal stables?” asked Bud, turning to Tullydub.

“Certainly, your Majesty; there are several,” answered the chief counselor.

“Then,” said Bud, “give one of them to the fat woman, and send her home. I ’ve done all the judging I am going to do to-day, and now I ’ll take my sister upstairs to play.”

“Hold on! Hold on!” cried a shrill voice. “I demand justice! Justice of the king! Justice of the law! Justice to the king’s aunt.”