Page:St. Nicholas (serial) (IA stnicholasserial321dodg).pdf/428

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Queen Zixi of Ix

Oh, dear: If I could only walk-faster! And the shops are so far! I wish I could fly!”

Now she was wearing the magic cloak when she expressed this wish, and no sooner had she spoken than two great feathery wings appeared, fastened to her shoulders. The old woman stopped short, turned her head, and saw the wings; and then she gave a scream and a jump and began waving her arms frantically.

The wings flopped at the same time, raising her slowly from the ground, and she began to soar gracefully above the heads of the astonished people, who thronged the streets below.

“Stop! Help! Murder!” shrieked Rivette, kicking her feet in great agitation, and at the same time flopping nervously her new wings. “Save me, some one! Save me!”

“After admiring the dresses for a time, they looked at Bud’s new clothes.”

“Why don’t you save yourself?” asked a man below. “Stop flying, if you want to reach the earth again!”

This struck old Rivette as a sensible suggestion, She was quite a distance in the air by this time; but she tried to hold her wings steady and not flop them, and the result was that she began to float slowly downward. Then, with horror, she saw she was sinking directly upon the branches of a prickly-pear tree; so she screamed and began flying again, and the swift movement of her wings sent her high into the air.

So great was her terror that she nearly fainted;