Page:St. Nicholas (serial) (IA stnicholasserial321dodg).pdf/435

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or, The Story of the Magic Cloak

“Of course you will!” returned Fluff, looking up at him brightly; “‘and I ’ll go with you! The dolls can wait till to-morrow. Have Jikki brush your hair, and I ’ll get my maids to dress me!”

Old Tullydub was wondering how he might best explain the king’s absence to the throng of courtiers gathered to attend the royal reception, when, to his surprise and relief, his Majesty entered the room, accompanied by the Princess Fluff. The king wore a velvet suit trimmed with gold lace, and at his side hung the beautiful jeweled sword. Meg was dressed in a soft white silken gown, and looked as sweet and fair as a lily.

“One screamed ‘Murder!’ and the other ‘Help!’” see page 304

The courtiers and their ladies, who were all wearing their most handsome and becoming apparel, received their little king with great respect, and several of the wealthiest and most noble among them came up to Bud to converse with him.

But the king did not know what to say to these great personages, and so the royal reception began to be a very stupid affair.

Fluff saw that all the people were standing in stiff rows and looking at one another uneasily, so she went to Bud and whispered to him.

“Is there a band of musicians in the palace?” the king inquired of Tellydeb, who stood near.

“Yes, your Majesty.”

“Send for them, then,” commanded Bud.

Presently the musicians appeared, and the king ordered them to play a waltz. But the chief counselor rushed up and exclaimed:

“Oh, your Majesty! This is against all rule and custom!”

“Silence!” said Bud, angrily. “I ’ll make the rules and customs in this kingdom hereafter. We re going to have a dance.”

But it’s so dreadful—so unconventional, your Majesty! It ’s so—what shall I call it?”