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St. Nicholas League

the night of the nineteenth of March the king fled from Paris, and the next evening, amid the rejoicings of the people, the emperor entered the city.


By Margaret
Mickeon, age 15.

By Leo F. Miller (age 16.)

If for pleasure you are longing,
Seek the forest's solitude;
Nature speaks to each a language
Through the voices of the wood.

Go among the somber shadows;
Sit beside the babbling brook;
Listen to the wild birds’ warbling,
Singing in each shady nook.

There the screaming hawks at noon-time
Hover high o’er leafy bowers,
While below are slowly flitting
Butterflies among the flowers.

Pluck a violet or a daisy
From the brooklet's mossy brink,
And while homeward paths you ’re treading,
Oft of nature’s pleasures think.

New Chapters.

No. 776. “Ye Twentieth Century.” Evelyn Franck, President; Inez Wolf, Secretary; eight members. Address, 306 West 99th St., N. Y. City.

No. 777. Laura Thomas, President; Charlotte Way, Secretary; eight members. Address, Oxford, Pa.

No. 778. Margaret Davidson, President; Helen Irvine, Secretary; four members, Address, 1552 Fifth Ave., New Brighton, Pa.

No. 779. Florence Davis, Secretary: three members, Address, 112 West 76th St. N. Y. City.

No. 780. “The Busters.” Sarah Lauyshiere, President; Norma Denison, Secretary; eight members. Address, P. O. Box 222, Berlin, N. Y.

No. 781. Eugenie Root, President; Margery Russell, Secretary; eight members. Address, 407 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich.

No. 782. “St. Nicholas Six.” Watson Dazier, President; Simeon Nathan, Secretary; six members. Address, 202 East St. Redding. Cal.


“Distance.” By Anna R. Kennedy, age 13.

League Notes and Letters.

Once more we are obliged to print a Roll of the Forgetful, it being a list of these who did not put their ages on their contributions, thereby excluding them from the competitions. The roll this month is as follows:

Corinne Benoit, Cori Stearns, Katharine A. Potter, Rudolph Leding, Charles W, Williams, Mary Wilson, Frieda H. Tellkampf, Margaret Armour, Margaret Locan, Helen Gardner Waterman, Laura Sleeper, Anna A. Flichtran, Lawrence Arnold, Mary Daly, Ethel Owens, Roy Chapman, Walter K. Ashmead, Helen Lee, Margery Livingston, Beulah Roughner, Lylic Finck, John II. Boyle, and George H. Plough.

The League editor is in receipt of two numbers of the “Holiday Magazine,” of 39 Norfolk Square, London, England. This periodical is issued three times a year,—in the Easter, summer, and Christmas holidays,—and the profits from its sale are given to the “Guild of the Brave Poor Things.” In a letter from the editors we are told:

We get a celebrity to write in each number: for instance, last Christmas we had Mary Cholmondeley, author of “Red Pottage,” etc.; last Easter, as you will see, E. F. Benson, author of “Dodo,” etc.; and in the summer one Anstey Guthrie, author of “Vice Versa,” etc. We print it ourselves on a little printing machine called the “Model.”

As you will see, it is divided into three parts—one for contributors above fifteen years of age (that belongs to my brother of sixteen years), one for those below fifteen and over nine (I take that part, as I am twelve}, and the other for contributors below nine, which last is conducted by my small brother of eight years.

It would be so much help to us in getting contributors if you would honor us by mentioning our little periodical in your pages, and asking people who wish to contribute to write for particulars to the above address,

With best wishes from my fellow-editors, George and Stephen Benson, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Stella Benson.

Certainly the “Holiday Magazine” is a novel and worthy enterprise, and deserves all the success it has attained, which is very considerable.

Brookline, Mass.

Dear St. Nicholas: I was interested to see in the November St. Nicholas a picture of a gull’s nest, because any I saw this summer were just little hollows in the sand with eggs in them. One day, at Prince Edward Island, I saw as many as fifty sets of eggs and not a nest among them. Inclosed is a picture of one of them that I took, also a photograph of an egg—an egg partly open with a bill protruding—and a young bird as I saw then.

Your loving reader,

Caro Kingman (age 12).

Providence, R. I.

Dear St. Nicholas: When my beautiful gold badge came I thought that I must write at once to thank you for it, but I have tried again and again, and I find that I cannot tell you how pleased I am with it, or how much I thank you for it, You have encouraged me to try still further and to be willing to wait too, which is the hardest thing. I can be a competitor now only for a year, but I shall always be your very interested reader.

Very sincerely,

Caroline M. Morton.


The St. Nicholas League is an organization of the readers of Dear St. Nicholas Magazine, with a view at artistic and literacy improvement. The membership is free, and instruction leaflet and membership badge will be sent free on application.