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St. Nicholas League
Harold Fav
Harold L. Williamson
Piero Colonna
Evelme P. Weeks
Walter I. Badger
Gladys Stewart Bean
Robert S. Platt
Dorothy Gardiner
J. E. Fisher
Juanita R. Harmar
Edwin Augustus Acker
Will Wood
Katharine E. Marvin
Elizabeth H. Webster
Frederic C. Smith
S. Butler Murray, Jr.


Martha G. Schreyer
Sally C. Bent
George Hill
Ruth Kellogg Pine
Doris F. Newell
Canema Bowers
Flournoy A. Hopkins
Alpha Helen Furley
Mary E. Glassner
Thomas Johnson
J. Gordon Fletcher
Zelie M. Eberstadt
Edward E. Bolte
Mary K. Warren
Karl M. Mann
Ruth H. Caldwell
Phyllis B. Mudie-Cooke
Jennie Fry
Frances Strong
Alec Sisson
Mary Weston Woodman
Walter 5. Marvin
F. W. Foster
Rebecca J. Charry
Elizabeth Crane Porter
G. A. Priest
Helen M. McCurdy
Theodosia Longenecker
Elizabeth Osgood
Julia M. Addison
Harriet W. Gardiner
Florence Murdoch
Winifred M. Voelcker
Helen McIvor
Max Plambeck
Dorothy Winslow
R. Guggenheime
Edward L. Worrell
Edna Stevens
Katharine Donohoe
Betty Willett
Marie Russell
Lois M. Hitchcock
Orîan E. Dyer
Mildred F. Coes
Laurence A. Morey
Pendleton Schenck
Eugene White, Jr.
Carl Glick
Helen Wing
Florence C. Irish
Matilda G. Carnochan
Florence Isabel Miller
Winters Coldham
Clarence E. Simonson
Ruth Greenoak Lyon
Pat Kirby
H. Ernest Bell
Albert Nalle
Pau) Wormser
Dorothy Arnold
Gilberta Crater
Donald McIlvaine
George Grady, Jr.
Denald C. Armour
Phœbe Hart Smith
Marjorie Parks
Katharine C. Miller
Ethel Burgess
Ignacio Ranier
Constance Freeman
Allene Crane
Henrietta Mclvor
Mary Canfield
Richard Dana Skinner
Helen L. K. Porter
Willian H. DuBarry
Eleanor W. Hobson
Henry S. Kirshberger
Dorothy Wormser
Wille E. Crocker
Harry C. Lefeber
Marguerite Hyde
Alice J. Sawyer
Hilliard Comstock
Alice Pine
Katharine E. Pratt


Katharine King
E. Adelaide Hahn
Russell S. Reynolds
Elizabeth Palmer Loper
David W. Colpitts, Jr.
Anna Zelley
Gladys Richardson
Margaret Webster
Edmund P. Shaw
Ruth Perkins
Olga Maria Kolff
Elsie Wormser
Florence A. Brooks
Elizabeth Beal Berry
Richard S. Bull
Oscar Cobb Lautz


Warde Wilkins
Ruth MacLure
Harry Bernstein
Harry W. Hazard, Jr.
Manuelita Kolfold
Zena Parker
Margaret Botticher
Lilian S. Clapp
Edwin Fockler
Edna Krouse
Alice D. Karr
Robert A. Milliken
8. T. Devan
Gerald Smith
Marjorie Shriver
Arthur J. Goldsmith
Frances R. Johnson
Jessie Adams


The League editor will be glad to receive suggestions as to subjects for the competitions. Some of the best have come from members. Their assistance in editing this department is always welcome.

“A Heading for February.”
by Leonard Ochtman, age 10.

Prize Competition No. 65.

The St. Nicholas League awards gold and silver badges each month for the best poems, stories, drawings, photographs, puzzles, and puzzle-answers. Also cash prizes of five dollars each to gold-badge winners who shall again win first place. This does not include “Wild Animal and Bird Photograph” prize-winners.

Competition No. 64 will close February 20 (for foreign members February 25). The awards will be announced and prize contributions published in St. Nicholas for May.

Verse. To contain not more than twenty-four lines. Title: to contain the word “Home.”

Prose. Article or story of not more than four hundred words. Title: “*A Kind Deed.’ Must be true.

Photograph. Any size, interior or exterior, mounted or unmounted; no blue prints or negatives. Subject, “An Old Relic.”

Drawing. India ink, very black writing-ink, or wash (not color), interior or exterior. Two subjects, “My Favorite Fancy” and a Heading or Tailpiece for April.

Puzzle. Any sort, but must be accompanied by the answer in full, and must be indorsed,

Puzzle-answers. Best, neatest, and most complete set of answers to puzzles in this issue of St. Nicholas. Must be indorsed.

Wild Animal or Bird Photograph. To encourage the pursuing of game with a camera instead of a gun. For the best photograph of a wild animal or bird taken in its natural home: First Prize, five dollars and League gold badge. Second Prize, three dollars and League gold badge. Third Prize, League gold badge.


Any reader of St. Nicholas, whether a subscriber or not, is entitled to League membership, and a League badge and leaflet, which will be sent on application.

Every contribution, of whatever kind, must bear the name, age, and address of the sender, and be indorsed as “original” by parent, teacher, or guardian, who must be convinced beyond doubt that the contribution is not copied, but wholly the work and idea of the sender. If prose, the number of words should also be added. These things must not be on a separate sheet, but on the contribution itself—if a manuscript, on the upper margin; if a picture, on the margin or back. Write or draw on one side of the paper only. A contributor may send but one contribution a month—not one of each kind, but one only. Address:

The St. Nicholas League,

Union Square, New York.

“A Tailpiece for February.” by Willard Sebberling, age 12.