Page:St. Nicholas - Volume 41, Part 2.djvu/15

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(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission.)


Frontispiece. “Wee-Folk”. Painted by Arthur Rackham. page
The Sea-Horse of Grand Terre. Story Charles Tenney Jackson 577
Illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull.
Swing Time. Verse M. F. 584
Illustrated by Henrietta Collins.
How the Neighbors Knew.. Verse Clara Platt Meadowcroft 585
Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker.
Peter of the Wild Rose-tree. Verse Patten Beard. 586
Teddy and Miss Rainy-Day. Verse. Pauline Frances Camp. 591
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea and from photographs
Golf:The Game I Love. Francis Ouimet 592
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea and from photographs
“Among the Laurel Blossoms.” Picture. Drawn by Charles C. Curran 596
The Runaway Allen French 597
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
Umbrellas. Verse. Melville Chater 604
Illustrated by Gertrude A. Kay
“Yes” and “No.”. Essay George Lawrence Parker 605
Base-Ball: The Game and Its Players. Verse Billy Evans 607
Illustrations from photographs.
Butterflying. Verse George O. Butler 612
Illustrated by the Author
“In Days of Old, When Knights Were Born.”. Picture. Drawn by Grace G. Drayton 613
The Lucky Stone. Serial Story Abbie Farwell Brown 614
Illustrated by R. B. Birch
The Polite Pirate. Verse. Frederick Moxon 620
Illustrated by the Author
With Men Who Do Things. A. Russell Bond 621
Illustrated from photographs
The Footstep Fairies. Verse Muriel E, Windram 628
Illustrated by Harold Sichel
The Making of a Canoeist. Sketch E. T. Keyser 325
Illustrated by Norman Price, William Van Dresser, and from photographs and diagrams.
“Eternal Feminine, The.” Picture. Drawn by Grace G. Drayton 633
The Story of the Twofold Torments. Grace Tabor 633
Unselfishness. Verse. Marjorie Osborn Wesson 637
Illustrated by G. E. Wesson
Sir Rigmarole’s Ramble. Verse. Charles F. Lester 638
Illustrated by the Author.
Concerning Travel. Verse
Tommy and Nan.
Caroline Hofman 640
Illustrated by Rachael Robinson Elmer.
The Housekeeping Adventures of the Junior Blairs. Caroline French Benton 641
Illustrated by Sarah K. Smith.
Books and Reading. Illustrated Hildegarde Hawthorne 646
For Very Little Folk:
The Lost Curl. Grace E. Craig 649
Nature and Science for Young Folks. Illustrated 652
The St. Nicholas League. With Awards of Prizes for Stories, Poems, Drawings, Photographs, and Puzzles. Illustrated 660
Letter-Box. 668
The Path of Least Resistance. Verse Helen Coale Crew. 670
Illustrated by R. B. Birch.
The Riddle-Box. 670

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IRA H. BRAINERD, Vice-President
DOUGLAS Z. DOTY, Secretary
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