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O SACRED Heart of my dear Redeemer, I adore thee with all the powers of my soul; I consecrate them forever to thee, with each of my thoughts, words, actions, and my whole being. I offer to thee, O divine Heart, all those acts of adoration, love, and glory which thou didst render to thy eternal Father whilst in this mortal life. Be thou the repairer of my deficiencies, the protector of my life, my refuge and security at the hour of my death. Grant me, through the merits of that anguish and bitterness which for me thou hast suffered through the whole course of thy mortal life, a perfect contrition for my sins. Grant me a constant disgust of all worldly allurements, an ardent desire of eternal glory, and a lively hope of partaking of thy infinite merits.

O most loving Heart of Jesus, I present to thee these my humble supplications, not for myself only, but for all those whom I earnestly recommend to thee in this Novena.

It is my ardent wish, O my dearest Lord, that all may join me in spirit to serve and obey thee. Accept these my humble petitions, and graciously grant my request through thy infinite mercy. Impress us, O Lord, with due sentiments of gratitude for the beneficent tenderness of thy divine Heart to us forlorn sinners. Receive us in the yet gaping wound of that loving Heart, that in it we may admire thy divine attributes, practise thy heavenly virtues, find the effect of thy sacred passion, and our poor, afflicted souls be thereby encouraged to shelter themselves within thy sacred wounds.


O HEART of Jesus, infinitely merciful, ever desirous to communicate thy divine love to our cold hearts, thy delight is to remain forever with the