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art everywhere invoked with so much confidence, — thou, who hast deigned to appear in the grotto of Lourdes as a sweet messenger of grace and mercy, with a smile of motherly tenderness on thy lips, — show now thy goodness toward me, thy poor child. Obtain for me, I beseech thee, the graces I stand in need of for my sanctification; obtain for me patience in suffering; and if it be God's will, obtain for me restoration to health, (or whatever other favor is specially asked for in the novena.) Amen. Our dear Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Repeat three times.

Second Day. — Prayer.

O BLESSED Lady of Lourdes, thou whose influence with Almighty God is so great that thy prayers are never refused, have pity on me thy needy child. O Virgin most holy! O Virgin most powerful! turn not away from me, though all unworthy, nor disdain to plead in my behalf. Heed not my unworthiness, but the promptings of thy own heart, thou who art as rich in mercy as in power. Use thy boundless influence to obtain for me patience in my sufferings, restoration to health (or other favor), and the grace to make a good use of it for the glory of God. Amen.

Our dear Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Repeat three times.

Third Day. — Prayer.

O COMPASSIONATE Lady of Lourdes, who hast shown thy affection for poor sinners by commanding Bernadette to pray for them and to get others to pray for them, exercise now thy compassion in my regard. 0 my Mother and my advocate, I know that my sins render me unworthy to approach thee;