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great Christian family to have recourse to thee in their necessities: Go to Joseph. Behold then this widely extended family intrusted to thy care; behold us all, prostrate before thy heavenly throne, imploring thy assistance in our present grievous afflictions. Like the brothers of the ancient Joseph, we come to thee, humbled and confounded on account of our sins, which have called down upon us the anger of Heaven. Yet in our midst there are also many innocent Benjamius, who suffer and grieve without any fault of their own. But our hearts are inexpressibly pained when we hear our venerable Father, like the gentle and pious Jacob, meekly lamenting that the last days of his life are idled with bitterness. Have pity on his gray hairs, and permit him not to close his eyes in the sleep of the Just, before peace and safety have dawned upon his entire family. This, O great Saint, is the first favor which we ask of thee since thou hast been proclaimed our universal protector. Canst thou have the heart to refuse us? Ah! we may well hope that the second Joseph will show even greater compassion than the first. Animated therefore with this confidence, we repeat: Holy Joseph, pray for us.

The following was written by the Holy Father on the original manuscript:

Beloved children, go to Joseph, and he will intercede for us in our distress. Pius PP. IX.


GLORIOUS St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, think of us, pray for us. Amiable Cherub, guardian of the paradise of the new Adam, labor at our sanctification. Dear foster-father of the Sacred Victim, provide for all our present necessities. O faithful