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the dangers of the past night, and for bringing me in safety to the beginning of another day. Continue, O Lord, thy mercy to me, and, as thou hast awakened my body from sleep, so raise my soul from sin, that I may walk soberly and justly, as in the day, in all holy obedience before thee.

Deliver me, O merciful Lord, from the impending evils of this day, and guide my feet in the ways of peace. Strengthen my resolutions of embracing with gladness the opportunities of doing good, and carefully avoiding all occasions of sin, especially those which I have found by experience to be most dangerous to my soul; and should I, through frailty, forget thee, my God, do thou, in thy mercy remember me; and should I, through the weakness of my nature, fall, may I immediately rise by the assistance of thy grace. Make me diligent in the duties of my calling and state of life, and not over-solicitous for the affairs of this world; but, in all the disappointments and crosses that may befall me, may I be submissive to thy divine will, and obediently rely on thy merciful providence.

Let thy blessings be upon my actions, and thy grace direct my intentions, that the whole course of my life, and the principal designs of my heart, may always tend to the advancement of thy glory, the good of others, and the eternal salvation of my own soul, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.