Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/14

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valuable criticism of portions of the appendix; to Mr. Philip P. Wells, formerly legal counsel of the National Conservation Association, who has helped frame the tentative draft of an act to stabilize the dollar given in Appendix I, §9; to my brother Herbert W. Fisher, whose criticisms have assisted me in improving the form of presentation; and to Miss Clara Eliot, formerly instructor in sociology in Mills College, who has helped at every stage of the work.

Every objection or difficulty which has been raised has been, I believe, frankly faced and discussed. Such discussion has been relegated to the appendix, in order that the text might be confined to stating the plan which, as will be seen, is so simple that any one can readily grasp it. It has been my ambition to reach and convince every available reader.

If the particular plan here proposed is not the best to accomplish its purpose, I hope a better one will be proposed.

It is also my hope that readers will spread the idea of stabilization by whatever methods seem to them most effective for promoting legislative action, national or international. I should be glad to be kept informed of such activities as well as to receive suggestions and criticisms.

As a movement for stabilization, in some form, seems inevitable in the immediate future, I shall be glad to make the best use I can of the return postal card inserted here for the convenience of the reader should he desire to stamp, sign, and mail it.

Irving Fisher.

November, 1919.