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Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/266

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[App. I

from par, including the market quotations for the constituent commodities. The Mint Bureau shall likewise make public its findings as to the adjustment of the dollar's weight.

(Financing the Administration of This Act)

Sec. 14. That a sum equal to the initial profit as defined in Sec. 10, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated and is made available until expended as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct for all expenses necessary for the administration of this Act; and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to use the receipts from time to time from the "brassage charge" as defined in Sec. 6, for the same purpose.

(Future Revisions of Index Numbers)

Sec. 15. That immediately after the data of the census of 1920, and other subsequent censuses respectively, are available, the Computing Bureau, from such data and the best other available data, shall revise the list of selected commodities and designate a revised composite "goods-dollar" by the same method as hereinbefore described and such that, at the moment of revision, the value of the new or revised goods-dollar shall be equal to that of the old.

(Penal Code Amendment)

Sec. 16. That Section 147 of the Penal Code approved Mar. 4, 1909, defining "obligation or other security of the United States" is hereby amended to include the gold bullion dollar certificates hereby authorized.

(Repeal of Former Acts)

Sec. 17. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. ·······