Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/348

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[App. VI

each £ note being redeemable at any time in as much as is then worth (in commodities) half the unit together with as much silver as is worth the other half.
The second plan is, in principle, virtually that of this book.]

Aneurin Williams. A "Fixed Value of Bullion" Standard—A proposal for preventing general fluctuations in trade. Economic Journal (London), June, 1892, pp. 280-289. Discussion by Sir Robert Giffen, "Fancy Monetary Standards," ibid., pp. 463-471; reply by Aneurin Williams, pp. 747-749. [The proposal here made is practically identical with that of this book.]
J. Allen Smith. A Multiple Money Standard. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March 1896, pp. 1-60.
[Smith suggests several plans for stabilizing the purchasing power of monetary units, among them one which, in all essentials, is identical with that proposed in this book.]
D. J. Tinnes. An Ideal Measure of Value. The Adrian (Minnesota) Guardian, Nov. 16, 1896.
[The proposal made here and in Mr. Tinnes' subsequent publications, mentioned in the list below, is practically identical with that of this book.]

5. Recent Writings on Stabilizing the Dollar

(Omitting most newspaper and minor publications, numbering about a thousand)

Irving Fisher. The Purchasing Power of Money. New York, Macmillan, 1911, Ch. 13.
O. M. W. Sprague. Fisher's Purchasing Power of Money. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Nov. 1911, pp. 148-151.
Irving Fisher. International Conference Regarding the Cost of Living. Report before Congress of Chambers of Commerce. Boston, Sept. 1912, reprinted in Independent, Sept. 26, 1912, pp. 700-706.
Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Editorial, Oct. 5, 1912. Replies by Irving Fisher and further discussion, Oct. 26, and Nov. 16, 1912.
Irving Fisher. Standardizing the Dollar (replies to objections). New York Times, Dec. 22, 1912.
Irving Fisher. A More Stable Gold Standard. Economic Journal (London), Dec. 1912, pp. 570-576.
William F. Blackman. The Increasing Cost of Living; Its Cause and Cure. Rollins College Bulletin, Dec. 1912.

Lucien March. Un Projet de Stabilization des Prix. Communi-