Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/352

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Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States, index number of, 4-5; figures from, 56; commodities used by, in making up index number, 86-87; index number of, to be a guide in making proposed changes in dollar's weight, 95-96.

Canada, price movement in, from 1896 to 1914, 8; effect of Great War on prices in, 9; chief index numbers current in, 286.
Cassel, Gustav, cited on correspondence between money supply and price level, 30.
Chambers of Commerce in favor of stabilization plan, 276.
China, similarity of price movements in India and, 25; fixed rate of import duties of, 57 n.
Circular reasoning in regard to price movements, 14-15.
Clark, J. M., paper by, on "Possible Complications of the Compensated Dollar," 198 n.
Class hatred traceable to muckraking, 67-68.
Cleveland, Treadwell, quoted on aim of stabilization plan, 217.
"Coin's Financial School," quack remedy for price convulsions contained in, 75; remarkable vogue of, 267.
Cold storage, as a stabilizer of prices, 13.
Conservatism, as an obstacle to plan for stabilizing the dollar, 114, 231-240; lessening of, as the one great obstacle, by Great War, 239.
Continental paper money, effects of, 6.
Contracts, upsetting of, by price movements, 54-55; advantages to, of proposed plan for stabilizing dollar, 108-109; made in terms of a commodity, as an attempt at monetary stabilization, 279-280.
Cost of living, high. See High cost of living.
Credit inflation, during Great War, 30-34; subtle and enticing qualities of, 264. See Inflation.
Crime of '73, the, 68, 75.
Crises resulting from price fluctuations, 66.
Cycles in trade caused by price fluctuations, 65-66.

D'Abernon, Lord, quoted on advancing prices in England, 23; cited on labor discontent due to high prices, profiteering, and grafting, 69-70; cited on rate of fall in value of money, 270.
Debtor and creditor, opposition of interest between, a supposed obstacle to stabilization of dollar, 240-248.
Deposit currency, price level affected by, 51-52.
Discontent, caused by upward price movement, 66-68; caused by falling prices, 68-69; as a result of war prices, 69-71; examples of, growing out of instability of monetary standards, 265-267.
Dollar, the only unit unstandardized, 81-84; suggestion of an imaginary composite goods-dollar, 84-87; artificiality of a fixed-weight, 106—107. See Gold dollar.

England, price movements in, as measured by index numbers from 1789 forward, 6; price movements in India and, under different monetary standards, 27; ratio between price levels of America and, compared with ratio of American to English money, 28; correspondence in, between money supply and price level, 30; chief index numbers current in, 287.
European war, effect of, on price movements, 8-9; effect of, on bank credit, 169-170.
Exports and imports, effect on, of plan for stabilizing dollar, 177—179.

Farmer-and-buggy illustration, 73.
Favorable opinions of proposed plan for stabilizing dollar, 273-278.
Ferguson, Professor, quoted on contracts made in terms of a commodity, 279.