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The Last Prayer.

THOU hast offered Thyself, O Lord! for my salvation; I desire to be sacrificed for Thy glory. I am Thy victim, do with me as Thou wiliest. Whatever I have I consecrate entirely to Thee. Whatever crosses Thou mayest please to send me, I freely accept and bless; I receive them from Thy hand, and unite them with those Thou hast endured for my sake. I am now about to leave Thy temple resolved, with Thy help, to serve Thee faithfully, I will strive to correct my faults, and chiefly that to which I am most inclined. Thy law shall thenceforth direct me, and I shall forfeit all, and suffer everything, rather than mortally transgress it.


Bless, O my God, these holy resolutions; bless us all by the hand of Thy minister, and may the effects of Thy benediction remain with us forever. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Psalms for Vespers. [1]

Psalm 109. Dixit Dominus.

THE Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at My right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.

  1. There are always five Vesper Psalms, which vary according to the feasts; we here give those which are the most frequently used.