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fathers: to Abraham and to his seed forever.

The Antiphon to the Blessed Virgin.

Mother of mercy, hail, O gentle Queen!

Our life, our sweetness, and our hope, all hail!

Children of Eve, To thee we cry from our sad banishment;

To thee we send our sighs,

Weeping and mourning in this tearful vale.

Come, then, our Advocate;

Oh, turn on us those pitying eyes of thine:

And our long exile past, Show us at last

Jesus, of thy pure womb the fruit divine.

O Virgin Mary, mother blest!

O sweetest, gentlest, holiest!

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. [1]

To obtain the pardon of our sins.

See, Mother of my God! at thy feet a wretched sinner, who has recourse to thee, and puts his trust in thee. I am not worthy that thou

  1. An indulgence of 300 days once a day to all the faithful who, with a contrite heart, shall devoutly recite each prayer on the day assigned to it, with three Hail Marys in reparation of the blasphemies uttered against our Blessed Lady. A plenary indulgence once a month to all those who have daily recited the said prayers during an entire month, provided that, being contrite for their sins, they go to confession and Communion and pray for the intention of the Pope. (June 21, 1808, and June 18, 1876.)