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  • St. Joseph, by the obedience which Jesus rendered thee, make me always obedient to the will of God.


Josue excited the admiration of the whole world when he commanded the sun to stop in its course, that he might have time to conquer his enemies; and the sun obeyed. But what comparison can there be between Josue, whom the sun, an inanimate creature obeyed, and Joseph, who was obeyed by Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

  • St. Joseph, so great, and at the same time so humble, obtain me true humility.


ST. Bernard, speaking of St. Joseph, says: " He was a prudent and faithful servant, whom Our Lord made the solace of His Mother, the nourisher of His humanity, and, in fine, the most faithful co-operator in the great council on earth."

  • St. Joseph, save us; our salvation is in thy hands.


According to St. John Damascene, " God gave St. Joseph the love, the care, and the authority of a father over Jesus: He gave him the affection of a father, that he might guard Him with great love; the solicitude of a father, that he might watch over Him with care; and the authority of a father, that he might feel sure that he would be obeyed in all that he arranged as to the person of this Son."

  • St. Joseph, be thou always a father to us, and may we ever be thy faithful children.