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R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

VIII. O dearest Infant Jesus, sought for by wicked Herod to be put to death, carried by St. Joseph with Thy Mother into Egypt, rescued from the cruel slaughter, and glorified by the fame of the martyred innocents; have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

IX. O dearest Infant Jesus, in Egypt remaining with most holy Mary and the holy patriarch Joseph, until the death of Herod; have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

X. O dearest Infant Jesus, returning back from Egypt to the land of Israel, wearied by many labors in the way, and retiring into the city of Nazareth to dwell there; have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

XI. O dearest Infant Jesus, obediently remaining in the holy house of Nazareth, there dwelling piously with Thy parents, and rapidly advancing in wisdom, age, and grace; have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

XII. O dearest Infant Jesus, led to Jerusalem at the age of twelve, there sought by Thy parents with great sorrow, but after three days found with joy among the Doctors; have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.

V. The Word was made flesh.

R. And dwelt among us.


Almighty and everlasting God, Lord of heaven and earth, Who revealest Thyself to the humble; grant, we beseech Thee, that, commemorating with due honor, and following with worthy imitation, these most sacred mysteries of Thy Son, the Infant Jesus, we may happily arrive at that heavenly kingdom which Thou hast promised