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conversing with Thee; where I may take counsel with Thee in all my thoughts and all my actions; where I may dedicate to Thee all my affections; where I may always love Thee, and sigh to leave the prison of this body to come and love Thee face to face in heaven. I love Thee, O Infinite Goodness, and I hope always to love Thee, in time and in eternity. O Mary, thou who canst do all things, pray to Him to enchain me with His love, and not to permit me ever again to lose His grace.

Recite the Steps of Our Saviour's Childhood, page 377.

November 25th.


Oh. how beautiful, perfect, and dear to God were the prayers of tne Infant Jesus! At every moment He prayed to His Father, and His prayers were all for us. and for each one of us in particular. All the graces that each one of us has received from the Lord are the effect of the prayers of Jesus.

My dear Redeemer, how much do I owe Thee! If Thou hadst not prayed for me, in what a state of ruin should I find myself! I thank Thee, O my Jesus; Thy prayers have obtained for me pardon of my sins, and I hope that they will also obtain for me perseverance unto death. Thou hast prayed for me, and I bless Thee with my whole heart for so doing, but I beseech Thee not to leave off praying. I know that Thou dost continue even in heaven to be our advocate and to pray for us. Continue, therefore, to pray; but pray more particularly, O my Jesus, for me, who am so much in want of Thy prayers. I hope that God has already pardoned me through Thy merits; but as I have already so often fallen, I may therefore fall again. Hell does not cease, and will never cease, tempting me, in order to make me again lose Thy friendship. Ah, my Jesus, Thou art my hope; it is Thou that must give