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Then shall I be able to say: my God, I can never again lose Thee.

My God, would that I could love Thee as Thou dost deserve to be loved.

O Mary, make my heart all God's. My tender Mother, I love Thee with all the ardor of my soul, and I desire to love Thee eternally in paradise.

4. Conformity to God's Will.

Behold me, Lord; do with me what Thou wilt. May Thy Will be ever done; I only desire what Thou wilt. I desire to suffer what Thou wiliest; I desire to die when Thou wiliest.

Into Thy hands I commend my body, my soul, my life, and my death. I love Thee, O my God, whether it pleaseth Thee to send me consolations or afflictions, and I desire to love Thee always.

Eternal Father, I unite my death to that of Jesus Christ, and I offer it to Thee in order to please Thee. Will of my God, Thou art my love. Good pleasure of my God, I devote myself entirelv to Thee.

5. Desire of Paradise.

O MY God, when shall I behold Thine infinite beauty, and when shall I behold Thee face to face?

In paradise I shall love Thee, and Thou wilt love me to all eternity, my God and my All!

My Jesus, when shall I be admitted to kissing those wounds which were imprinted for my sake?

O Mary, when shall I find myself at the feet of the Mother who has so loved and aided me?

My sweet Protectress, turn thou on me thine eyes of mercy. Take me from this land of exile, and show me the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.