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3. Mental Prayer.

Take care to make half an hour's meditation as soon as possible in the day. For though meditation is not absolutely necessary, it is morally necessary, in order to obtain the grace of perseverance. Those who neglect it will tind great difficulty in persevering in the grace of God. The reasons for this are twofold: the first is, because the eternal truths cannot be seen by the eyes of the flesh, but only by the eye of the understanding, which is reflection. Hence he does not perceive them who does not meditate; and for want of perceiving them he will hardly arrive at a due appreciation of the importance of salvation, of the means which secure it, and of the obstacles which hinder it; so that his salvation will be placed in imminent risk. The second reason is, because the soul that does not practise meditation will also be backward in practising prayer. Now, prayer is necessary, not merely as a precept, but as a means to observe the commandments, since, as a general rule, and speaking of adults, God only gives His grace to those who ask for it. But without meditation a person has a very faint notion of his own spiritual wants, and he is, moreover, but slightly impressed with the necessity of praying, in order to overcome temptations and to save his soul: thus he is led to pray but little or not at all, and for want of prayer is eventually lost. The eminent Bishop Palafox said, " How will the Lord give us perseverance unless we ask Him for it? And how shall we ask Him for it without prayer?" On the other hand, St. Teresa declares that it is hardly possible for a man that prays to remain long in sin; he will either forsake prayer or forsake sin; prayer and sin are incompatible. [1]

With regard to practice, meditation has three parts: Preparation, Consideration, or Meditation, and Conclusion.

In the preparation must be made three acts:

1. Act of Faith in the Presence of God.

My God, I believe Thou art here present, and I adore Thee.

2. Act of Humility.

I deserve at this moment to be burning in hell, O my God, I am sorry for having offended Thee.

  1. St. Alphonsus renders the practice of mental prayer exceedingly simple, clear, easy, and fruitful; thanks to the method he has given us, this exercise which is so indispensable for all who wish to save their souls, has b^cn placed within reach of every one. Books of meditation are now very numerous, and from among the Works of St. Alphonsus we may mention The Preparation for Death, The Way of Salvation, The Great Means of Salvation, Meditation? on the Passion, on Christmas, etc., The Glories of Mary, etc.