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12. The Way to Converse Always and Familiarly with God.

(Taken from a small French work, and enlarged by other sacred thoughts, affections, and exercises of the author.)


God wishes us to Speak to Him with Confidence and Familiarity.

HOLY Job was struck with wonder to consider our God so devoted in benefiting man, and showing the chief care of His Heart to be to love man and to make Himself beloved by him. Speaking to the Lord, he exclaims: " What is man, that Thou shouldst magnify him, or why dost Thou set Thy Heart upon him?" (Job vii. 17.) Hence it is clearly a mistake to think that great confidence and familiarity in treating with God is a want of reverence to His Infinite Majesty. Thou oughtest indeed. O devout soul, to revere Him in all humility, and abase thyself before Him; specially when thou dost call to mind the unthankfulness and the outrages whereof, in past times, thou hast been guilty. Yet this should not hinder thy treating with Him with the most tender love and confidence in thy power. He is Infinite Majesty; but at the same time He is Infinite Goodness, Infinite Love. In God thou dost possess the Lord most exalted and supreme; but thou hast also Him who loves thee with the greatest possible love. He disdains not, but delights that thou shouldst use towards Him that confidence, that freedom and tenderness, which children use towards their mothers. Hear how He invites us to come to His feet, and the caresses He promises to bestow on us: "You shall be carried at