Page:Stanley Weyman--Count Hannibal.djvu/289

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She met his look with a searching gaze, and spoke with a ring of defiance in her tone. “I do not believe it!” she said. “I do not believe it! You who save Angers will not destroy him!” And then her woman’s mood changing, with courage and colour ebbing together, “Oh no, you will not! You will not!” she wailed. And she dropped on her knees before him, and holding up her clasped hands, “God will put it in your heart to spare him—and me!”

He rose with a stifled oath, took two steps from her, and in a tone hoarse and constrained, “Go!” he said. “Go, or sit! Do you hear, Madame? You try my patience too far!”

But when she had gone his face was radiant. He had brought her, he had brought all, to the point at which he aimed. To-morrow his triumph awaited him. To-morrow he who had cast her down would raise her up.

He did not foresee what a day would bring forth.