Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/35

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his pose, by the unperturbed steady eye and motionless waiting bat.

With the intention of shaking his confidence and scaring him back from the plate, Bell sent a swift inshoot, but he did not place it accurately; Edward received it in the ribs with a grunt and trotted down to first base.

“One for his St. John’s brother,” cried a Fifth Former vindictively.

“I wish he’d got it instead of me,” said Edward, grinning and rubbing his side.

On the next ball pitched he was off for second. Durant stood squarely in the way; Edward slid into him feet first just as he was catching the ball and upset him; and Edward was safe at second base amid the delighted shrieks of the Fourth Form and the violent demands of the Fifth and Sixth: “Put him out! Mucker ball! Take him out!”

Durant got to his feet, furious.

“Don’t play any of your dirty St. John’s tricks here,” said Durant.

“Dirty nothing!” said Edward, dusting off