Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/85

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“Congratulate you, Crashaw,” he said, putting out his hand to Charles.

Edward stood by with downcast eyes.

“It’s the hardest luck you got hurt; I’m awfully sorry,” said Charles.

“It was a chump thing for me to do.” Blanchard glanced kindly at the younger brother. “Just my own clumsiness. When I ought to have stayed and backed Ned up in the defence—instead of leaving him to go it alone.”

Edward raised his eyes; there were tears in them.

“I can’t tell you how I feel, Guy,” he said; his lips quivered, and he turned quickly away.

Charles pressed Blanchard’s hand. “Thank you, ever so much,” he said. Then he hurried after his brother.

They walked together for a while in silence.

“Kid,” said Charles, when they had turned away from the field into the avenue of elms, “you know, I did n’t enjoy winning this game very much.”

“Why not?”