Page:Stanwood Pier--The ancient grudge.djvu/158

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acquiring wealth so fast, is especially the place for a man to set a right standard—of how to spend, how to entertain, how to live. What people here need is the example of dignity. Of course it's necessary that you should have the right sort of wife to help you."

"Yes," Floyd said lightly. "It's early to think about that yet."

He observed that his grandmother was on the point of formulating a dissenting opinion, and he welcomed as a diversion Colonel Halket's dignified entrance.

"Grandmother's been giving me a lecture," Floyd said to him.

"Ah—and on what?" asked Colonel Halket. He took up a position before the fire and stood looking down on his wife and grandson with complacent affection.

"Oh, his whole duty to his neighbor," said Mrs. Halket.

"We're quite a family for lecturing, Floyd," observed the Colonel. "Your grandmother does it to me, and I do it to everybody else. It's one of my great pleasures, and I may say I do it rather well, too; the last one I delivered is going to have some very excellent results."

"Going to have!" echoed his wife, and Floyd, more respectful, asked, "What was that, Grandfather?"

"A little talk that I gave Gregg and the superintendents the other day—about the methods of dealing with the labor union sentiment that's taken possession out at New Rome. Gregg and some of the others were in favor of fighting. No, I said; let it work, let it work. This union enthusiasm is a passing fad. We have nothing to fear. The men are contented; they're proud of their connection with Halket & Company; they know they can't get as good treatment or as good pay elsewhere. Why, it's a gratification to me every time I go out to New Rome; I pass a workman on the street and he lifts his hat—no surliness in it, either; I've spent my life reading faces.