Page:Stanwood Pier--The ancient grudge.djvu/354

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perhaps it is just as well that I should say what is in my mind. I came here—you allowed me to acknowledge to you that I had been at fault in the past—you made no effort out of consideration for me to prevent my acknowledgment—and then, when I appealed to you for the chance to redeem myself, you denied me. It is an unpleasant thing to do—unpleasant for me as well as for you—but I cannot help recalling that episode of our college days when you allowed my overwhelming obligation to you to be always a rankling memory to me. And I regard it as a damned nasty trait of character which finds satisfaction in holding a friend at a disadvantage—in never giving him the chance to get upon even terms or to repair his fault—in keeping the upper hand- over a friend."

He turned sharply and left the room. Floyd, sunk low in his chair, continued to fumble absently at the key; after a time he sighed, and sitting up addressed himself to his work.