Page:State Papers on Nullification.djvu/368

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354 relates to the requisition of an oath of allegiance. The following motions to amend having precedence, were first put and adopted, to wit: that the words "or appointed," should be added after the word "elected;" the word "such" be inserted after the word "any," in the first line of the last paragraph, and the words "heretofore elected, or hereafter to be elected," be stricken out. Mr. Barnwell's motion being now again before the Convention, on motion, it was ordered, that when the question should be taken, it should be by Ayes and Noes. A discussion arose, in which Judge O'Neale, Judge Harper, Mr. Turnbull, and Mr. P. Phillips, took part. Mr. Wilson proposed to amend the Ordinance, by striking out, after the words "We further ordain," and inserting the following, to wit: "That no person, who shall be hereafter elected or appointed, or who has heretofore been elected, but who has not yet taken the oaths of office required at the time of his election or appointment, to any office, civil or mili- tary, within this State, (members of the Legislature excepted) shall enter on the execution of such office, or be in any respect competent to discharge the duties thereof, until he shall have taken, in addition to the oaths of office now required, at the same time and in the same manner, that such oaths are required to be taken, the following oath of allegiance. "I declare myself a citizen of the Free and Sovereign State of South Carolina; I declare that my allegiance is due to the said State, and hereby renounce and abjure all other allegiance, incompatible therewith; and I will be true and faithful to the said State, so long as I continue a citizen thereof: So help me God. And it is further Ordained, That if any officer heretofore elected, shall refuse or neglect to take the aforesaid oath, within the time that other oaths of office are required by law to be taken, such office shall be considered as vacant, and the Governor of the State shall proceed (except in the instance of Judges of the State) to fill such vacancy by appointing an officer, to serve until another officer shall be elected and qualified." This amendment was ordered to be printed. The Convention then took a recess of two hours.