Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1268

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1146 PERU

2. Of Great Britain in Peru.

Envoi/, Minister and Consul- General.—Cha.Y\es Louis des Graz.

Consul- General at Callao. — L. J. Jerome.

There are a Vice-Consul at Callao, a Consul at Iquitos. Vice-Coiisuls at Lima, Arequipa, MoUendo, Trujillo and Salaverry, Perene and Chanchamayo districts, and a Consular Agent at Cerro de Pasco.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Pern.

1. Official Publications.

Official Publication relating to Pntiimayo, &c * Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos,

Resolucionesyotros Docnmentos cficialesreferente al Departamento de Lortto. Carlos

Larrabure y Correa. XVIII. vols.

The publication.s of the various Government Departments.

Reports on the Trade of Peru in Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Boletin de la Sociedad Geograflca de Lima. Half-yearly. Lima.— Boletin del Cucrpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru. Lima. ,,„o ^ ,*..

Cisneros (G. B.), and Garcia (R. E.), El Peru en Europa. Luna, 1900.— Geograffa Comercial de la America del Sur. 3 vols. Lima.— Guia del Callao, Lima y sus Alrededore^s. Lima 1898 — Monografia del Departamento de la Libertad. Lima, 1900.— Monografia geograflca Estadistica del Departamento de Lima. [The same authors, toge^ther or separately have published several other works on the commerce, products, and industries of Peru notably Cf.sMcro.s (C. B.), Siropis Estadistica del Peru. Lima, 1912.]

Enoch (R. C), The Andes and the Amazon : Life and Travel in Peru. London, 1907.— Peru. London, 1908. . t> • ,««.,

Garcia Galderon (F.), Le Perou Contemporam. Pans, 1907.

Garland (A.), Peru in 1906. Lima, 1907.

Haenke (T.), Descripcion del Peru. Lima, 1901.

Higginson (E.), Mines and Mining in Peru. Lima, 1903.

Hiitc/iingon (T. J.), Two Years in Peru. 2 vols. London, 1874.

Laos (R ) A Handbook of Peru for Investors and Immigrants. Baltimore, 190^.

Markham(G. R.), Travels in Peru and India. London, 1862.— Cuzco and Lima. London, 1858.— Peru. London, 1881.— The War between Peru and Chili, 1879-81. London, 1883.— History of Peru. Chicago. ,. „ ^ ^ t , im-i

Martin (P.), Peru of the Twentieth Century. London, 1911. -^u^^ a ^ ^ ■ -mm

Maurtua (V. M.), The Question of the Pacific [on boundary disputes]. Philadelphia, 1901

Mendibur^l (M. de), Diccionario Historico-Biografico del Peru. 8 vols. Callao, 1874-

Middendorf (E. W.), Peru: Beobachtungen und Studien iiber Das Land und Seine Bewohnern, wahrend eines 25 Jahrigen Aufenthalts. Berlin, 1893.

Monnier (Mancel), * Des Andes an Para.' Paris, 1890. lo^c * .. ^

Paz Soldan (Mariano Felipe), Historia del Peru Independente. 3 vols. 18b8 et seqq.— Diccionario Geogr&flco Estadestico del Peru. 1877.

Plane (A.), A travers I'Amerique Equatoriale. Paris, 1903.

Prescott (W. H.), History of the Conquest of Peru London.

Eamondi(A.), ElPeru: EstudiosMmeralogicos, &c. 4 vols. 1890-1902. Lima.

Rene-Moreno (G.), Ultimos Dias Coloniales en el Alto Peru, 1807-1808. Santiago de

\eebee (F ), Travelling Impressions in and Notes on Peru. 2nd ed. London, 1905. Sgitfer (E. G.), Peru : Incidents of Travels and Exploration in the Land of the Incas

London, 1877. , . „ , t i

Stevenson i - ), Twenty Years in South America 3 vols. London. Tschudi (Joh. Jakob von), Reisen durch Siidamerika. 5 vols. Leipzig, 18bb-bb. TTiewer (Charles), Perou etBolivie. Paris. 1880. _ ., , , ^. ,^ , ,„.,n Wright (Marie Robinson), The Old and New Peru. Philadelphia and London, 1909.