Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1568

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United States, immigration, 386

— import duties, 411

— Indian reservations, 384, 427, 432,

499, 511, 561

— instruction, 388

— iron and steel, 404, 405, 407. 408,


— justice and crime, 391

— live stock, 402, 404

— manufactures, 406 et scq.

— mines and minerals, 404

— money and credit, 419

— money, weights, and measures, 421

— navy, 395

— occupations of the people, 384

— pauperism, 391

— petroleum output, 405

— political x)arties, 380

— population, 381 et seq.

foreign and foreign-born, 382,

384, 386, 392, 1012 movement of, 384

— ports, 415

— posts and telegraphs, 417

— precious stones, 406

— President, 375

— Presidents since 1789, 376

— production & industry, 399 et seq.

— public lands, 399

— railways, 417

— religion, 388

— representation, 378, 379

— rice, 401

— schools, 388 et seq.

— Senate, 375

— shipping and navigation, 415

— silver, 404, 405, 406, 412

— spirits, production of, 411

— states and territories, 378, 379,

382, 385, 399, 572, et seq., and see under Names

— sugar, 401

— telephones, 418

— tobacco, 401

— universities and colleges, 38 9

— Vice-president, 375

— Vice-presidents since 1789, 376

— wheat crops, 401

— wine, 402, 411 ~ wool, 402

University College, Dublin, 29

Unterelsass, 900

Unterwald (cantons), 1288, 1291


Upolu Island (Pacific), 890, 897 Upper Senegal and the Niger

(French), 814, 836, 840 Uppsala, 1274 ; University, 1274 Ural, mining (Russia), 1297, 1298 Uralsk (R. Steppes), 1189, 1192 Urbino (Italy), 979; Univ., 986 Urga (Mongolia), 734 Urgel, Bishop, 813 Uri (canton), 1288, 1290 Uruguay, agriculture, 1351

— area and population, 1348

— army, 1351

— banks, 1353

— births, deaths, marriages, 1349

— books of reference, 1354

— commerce, 1352

— constitution and government, 1348

— debt, 1350

— departments, 1348

— diplomatic representatives, 1354

— emigration and immigration, 1349

— finance, 1350

— gold, 1352

— instruction, 1349

— justice, 1350

— live stock, 1351

— mines, 1352

— money and credit, 1353

— money, weights, & measures, 1353

— navy, 1351

— pauperism, 1350

— posts and telegraphs, 1353

— President, 1348

— production and industry, 1351

— railways, 1353

— religion, 1349

— roads

— shipping and navigation, 1352

— towns, 1319

— university, 1349

— wine, 1352 Uruniiah (Persia), 1127 Urumsti (officials), 734 Ust-Dvinsk (Russia) fort, 1199, 1202 Utah, agriculture, 554

— area & population, 383, 552

— charity, 553

— constitution and government, 379,


— defence, 553

— finance, 553

— instruction, 553